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Pamijahan Wonderful Journey (part 3)

We decide to ignore our need to food and water and the first thing that come's in our mind for starting our day is playing football in near open area that i already told you in the second part of this story yap,instead of boiling water and making food we decided to play football,My friend whose the owner of the house said "it is mang ucok duty we are here to have fun" so be it ,We went to the open area and playing football for almost two hours and me as a goalkeeper.

Actually i don't want to play football because of my lack of skill in football and i just want to have some fresh air but yeah i must join the game rather than motionless i chose to join as a goalkeeper the position in soccer where you actually just motionless if you have a good striker,And yeah i do some prank to the enemy team i toss the ball far away to the bushes some time just to buy some time to rest.

The plan didn't go well as i expected the enemy team and my team is pissed off because of my act so they decided to prank me by kicking the ball so far that i have to take it back and when i found the ball they just left me what an ignorant person they are,But the game actually is pretty fun we are spending some quality time there.

After the foolish so called "football" game we decide to chilling down our ass in the cabana even with body that full of sweat and little bit mud and because of hungry and my friend words we thing that the food is already served and cooked well by mang ucok but there is no food when we check "tudung saji" or food cover so yeah we are still starving.

What i remember is its about 11.00 am when we went to the river and the sun is at its highest point,first thing that comes in my mind when thinking about river is the steep path that going to be encountered to go there,What i think is totally wrong because its not only steep but also scary and mysterious because we are passing trough a graveyard and bamboo forest to get there and a very slippery and steep downward path with a body that already full of sweat and adrenaline we finally make it with some of my friend that almost fall.

And then hard work succeeded we clearly saw the magnificent river with its flow that can swallow us and the clear voice of nature that very calming,Instead of my friends that ready to wash away their body and playing with water i do rock balancing it is very chilling and relaxing for me but after that i also join them i try to swim in the river but yeah i lost it is very difficult to fight the river flow or even impossible i guess.

Then after we play with water and wash away our body there we go back to the house it is a more difficult track again instead of downward path we are facing uphill path and yesh we are finally succeeded again of course with almost fall accident again,We are finally in the cabana again and waiting for real shower and some of us decide to pray it is 02:00 pm i guess and for me i just playing poker and "karambol",And then here comes another time of hunger and thirsty again but some of my friend choose to save us by went to search for local food store or "warteg" we are spending the rest of the day by went to the world of dreams.

When the night came we are searching for food and some fresh air by motorcycle we just travelling around the village until our gas tank almost empty and we choose to stop by  a "nasi uduk" store and fill our empty stomach it is quite cheap actually with only five thousands rupiah you already can have one "nasi uduk" and three complement food like "risol" and "apem" add another two thousands rupiah you get a fine black coffee we decided to play until midnight because tomorrow the third day we are about to leave this beautiful place.

The third day is finally came we package our backpack and stuff on that day and have some conversation with mang ucok and give thanks to him whose want to be bothered by us and take a picture with him as a reminder for a great journey is and must be have its end.


note :
fyuh the last pat is here thank you for those of you that want to give your time and of course your internet quota for this early developing blog stay save and stay healthy readers ;) here are some of our photos 

starving section
starving part

the calm after the storm

chilling part

boys will always be a boys



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hai ;)

Halo,perkenalkan saya peeps saya bisa dibilang adalah penulis amatir bukan bisa dibilang amatir tetapi memang amatir dan welcome to my blog jadi dulu waktu smp saya sempat menulis tetapi saya lupa akan nama blog saya jadi ya sudahlah. Blog ini akan banyak berisi tentang isi pikiran saya dan pendapat atau kadang sedikit insight dan kegiatan saya.Sedikit perkenalan saya masih remaja dan berumur 18 tahun dan mau menuju ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi di tahun 2020 ini tahun yang memiliki banyak tantangan. Dan saya terlahir sebagai anak pertama di keluarga,Banyak yang bilang anak pertama memiliki banyak beban mental dan kurang happy  bagi saya jujur biasa aja dan ya walaupun memang pasang surut jelas everybody have their own problem . Dan saya sangat tertarik dengan dunia olahraga apalagi bela diri dan kalistenik dan ya ! saya akan menulis artikel tentang bela diri khususnya mix martial art suatu saat nanti. Film adalah kesukaan saya apalagi film barat yang ber- genre   sci-fi at

Kekerasan dan Ketenangan

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