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Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2020

Pamijahan Wonderful Journey (part 3)

We decide to ignore our need to food and water and the first thing that come's in our mind for starting our day is playing football in near open area that i already told you in the second part of this story yap,instead of boiling water and making food we decided to play football,My friend whose the owner of the house said "it is mang ucok duty we are here to have fun" so be it ,We went to the open area and playing football for almost two hours and me as a goalkeeper. Actually i don't want to play football because of my lack of skill in football and i just want to have some fresh air but yeah i must join the game rather than motionless i chose to join as a goalkeeper the position in soccer where you actually just motionless if you have a good striker,And yeah i do some prank to the enemy team i toss the ball far away to the bushes some time just to buy some time to rest. The plan didn't go well as i expected the enemy team and my team is pissed off because of my ac

Pamijahan Wonderful Journey (part 2)

After we arrive at my friend halfway house we are waiting for a moment for the house guard to come some of my friend little bit piss because they are very tired,And than guard "mang ucok" come to the house and immediately open the lock and we just lying down with lazzyness in the living room and bedroom,After quite several minutes they decide to play some poker in a cabana and i just eating my food with one of my friend that got sick because of his gastric problems. It was a quite and calm night actually but because of my mate tune up the music player it become a noisy and "colored" night.One of my friend surprisingly remember to do pray and because of scare to ghost since childhood i do pray too after i do pray we continue to play poker yap a sin after a pray perfectly balance like all thing should be. I don't know who got this idea but we decide to look around the cassava plantation and vast land in the middle of the night.Of course it is a fool idea but we st

Pamijahan Wonderful Journey (part 1)

Back in my day as an high school student i was a shy and more of solitude person,i do my homework alone even it is a teamwork project,Although i have many friends in school actually i feel shy every time i have to talk to them i don't know why,But during my gap time to moving to higher grade  i feel realive and found what is the meaning of friendship.  It was 2019 i guess when we went to Pamijahan it was a challenging and thrilling journey for my motorcycle that only a Honda beat esp cbs  and that mean is only for a short trip journey and the weather on that day is very unfriendly with our journey,Because my friends have a very extreme concept of thinking "it is what it is" so we go to Pamijahan and break the force of nature that night yap we go to Pamijahan at night about 07.00 pm. We go to Pamijahan,Bogor during night time because we have a reason first we doens't want to meet a cops some of us only 17 and in indonesia or another country there's uncostested rule

hai ;)

Halo,perkenalkan saya peeps saya bisa dibilang adalah penulis amatir bukan bisa dibilang amatir tetapi memang amatir dan welcome to my blog jadi dulu waktu smp saya sempat menulis tetapi saya lupa akan nama blog saya jadi ya sudahlah. Blog ini akan banyak berisi tentang isi pikiran saya dan pendapat atau kadang sedikit insight dan kegiatan saya.Sedikit perkenalan saya masih remaja dan berumur 18 tahun dan mau menuju ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi di tahun 2020 ini tahun yang memiliki banyak tantangan. Dan saya terlahir sebagai anak pertama di keluarga,Banyak yang bilang anak pertama memiliki banyak beban mental dan kurang happy  bagi saya jujur biasa aja dan ya walaupun memang pasang surut jelas everybody have their own problem . Dan saya sangat tertarik dengan dunia olahraga apalagi bela diri dan kalistenik dan ya ! saya akan menulis artikel tentang bela diri khususnya mix martial art suatu saat nanti. Film adalah kesukaan saya apalagi film barat yang ber- genre   sci-fi at